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Green Up Your Space with a New Houseplant!
We The Wild  Enrich Powder
We The Wild  Enrich Powder

We The Wild Enrich Powder


Strong roots = a healthy houseplant! Over time, the beneficial fungi spring to action, enriching soil and building stronger, more resilient roots. Your houseplants will enjoy improved nutrition and less abiotic stress.

A complex blend of organic greenery is diverted from landfill, lovingly processed by Californian earthworms and air dried and aged for maximum results.

10 groups of beneficial fungi and 3 billion microorganisms per tsp release into the soil to help plants better absorb nutrients. Included mycorrhizal fungi acts as the plants ‘messenger’, meaning your plant builds a symbiotic relationship with its soil. Enrich transforms your soil into a teeming ecosystem, ripe for growth!