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Green Up Your Space with a New Houseplant!
Goeppertia roseopicta ‘Dottie’
Goeppertia roseopicta ‘Dottie’
Goeppertia roseopicta ‘Dottie’
Goeppertia roseopicta ‘Dottie’
Goeppertia roseopicta ‘Dottie’
Goeppertia roseopicta ‘Dottie’

Goeppertia roseopicta ‘Dottie’


Botanical name: Goeppertia roseopicta ‘Dottie’ formerly Calathea roseopicta

This Goeppertia produces beautiful dark foliage with pink veins making it a beautiful addition to your indoor garden. This plant is a part of the Marantaceae family, which means like other prayer plants its leaves will fold up at night like they are praying. The plant thrives in indirect light but can adapt to low light. Water with filtered water and keep soil moist.

Light: Medium to Bright Indirect Light,

Water: Medium to Low Water

4" Container